How It Works

Climate control is a global challenge that requires a concerted, collective effort. By sharing the load, we can create a greener, healthier planet for our future. But the challenge has been the lack of easy solutions for individuals to play their part. Thats where OffsetMyOrder comes in - We allow individuals to play their part in eliminating the Co2 footprint of their order, simply by offsetting their purchases with a single click.

Calculate CO2 Footprint

Taking into account the Co2 footprint of manufacturing the product, shipping method, distance travelled and speed of delivery, our unique APi will automatically calculate the sum Co2 footprint and generate an equivalent offset price based on live market prices.

Customer Check Box

At your merchant checkout page, a small tick box will be created, allowing the customer to paya. small fee in order to offset their purchase. Typically, customers face a charge of just 1% of their total order to make the green choice. - driving engagement and brand loyalty.

Automatically Offset

From the moment the offset is added at the checkout, there is nothing more for you to do but simply receive your offset report, detailing how many tonnes of carbon you have offset. You also have the freedom to choose where your offsets are focused, whether locally or a toward cause that’s close to your heart, we will give you the control you need.


Collectively, No Challenge Is To Great